Course assignments & Time table
Teaching materials are often distributed via the study-related portal Stud.IP at the University of Rostock. A registration at the relevant lecture in Stud.IP is needed for accessing the materials there.
In addition, for instance, a time schedule for printing or saving can be created via a second portal, the online portal LSF for Teaching, Research and Studies.
The following six points are an instruction for time table creation in LSF and for registering at Stud.IP.
1. Call the LSF homepage
Study Office
Mrs Daubner
A.-Einstein-Str. 2
Room 015a/016
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7005
Fax: +49(0)381 - 498 7008
eMail: rena.daubneruni-rostockde
2. Click on tab "Courses" in the top navigation line, afterwards on tab „Course overview“ in the navigation menu on the left.
3. Click point „Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik“ in the central menu and select a study course, e.g. “Bachelor Informatik”. Afterwards, select a lecture, e.g. “Mathematik für Elektrotechnik und Informatik 2”.
4. To register for a lecture, just click the small arrow at point "Stud.IP". If no registration at Stud.IP was done so far, one will be asked to register with the university account.
5. On the left side at menu point „Actions“ there is the menu point „Go to course“. Click it. Now you are registered for the event.
6. For creating a time table, go back to point 4. There is a check box "preselect" below the information on place and time of the lecture. Select it and click the button “ Schedule preselected“ next to it. The lecture is added to the time table now.
You have to save or print at the end of this time table creation process to avoid that the information get lost.