The varied activites of the scientists at the Institute of Computer Science include basic research as much as application-oriented projects related to all subject areas. The research at the institute is characterized by a high share of interdisciplinary issues resulting from the cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Faculty.
Computer Science for Life
A large number of research activities at the institute deals with the use of automated, algorithmic procedures on questions raised by living systems of different size and complexity. The topics range from modelling cell biological systems to AI methods for medical assistance systems, controlling processes in companies and analyzing demographic developments. The application domain provides a joint framework that creates the background for enhancing original methods and technology of Computer Science at the institute. This includes IT infrastructures for data analysis, approaches towards describing, learning and analyzing models and analyzing models as well as visual interaction with such models, their predictions and the underlying data.
Against the background of this joint long-term research framework, our research is particularly strongly represented in five sectors these days, each of them integrating different domains and methods with different emphases:
- Data Science and Engineering: Methods for data-intensive systems, particularly in the field of status detection and behaviour analysis of living systems
- Visual and Computational Analytics: Graphic and algorithmic methods for representation and analysis of models and data
- Computational Biology: Mathematical and algorithmic methods for analyzing the behaviour of biomolecules and cells
- Intelligent Assistance: Situation-adaptive support of human beings in everyday life, particularly in the field medical diagnostics and therapy
- Economic, Organizational and Social Systems: Process and knowledge model for analyzing and supporting the interaction of players in companies, societies and ecosystems