Bachelor study course Informational Technology/Computer Engineering
Intelligent and embedded digital systems require an interaction of hardware and software. The study course Informational Technology/Computer Engineering (ITCE) teaches the related skills and methods at the interface between electrical engineering and computer science. The study course is a joint offer of computer science and electrical engineering.
The bachelor study course Informational Technology/Computer Engineering science starts in winter term. It lasts 7 terms and is structured into compulsory, compulsory obligatory and elective modules. 22 modules must be attended in the compulsory part, with a total scope of 147 credit points of which 15 are allocated to the final examination.
A distinction must be made between study courses with and without work placement.
Without work placement, the compulsory optional part comprises of modules with a total scope of 51 credit points and the elective part comprises of 12 credit points. The seminar B.Sc. ITCE must be studied and belongs to the compulsory optional part.
With work placement, 57 credit points each must be achieved in the compulsory optional part and 6 credit points in the elective part. The work placement belongs to the compulsory optional part. The seminar B.Sc. ITCE is omitted.
The final examination comprises of final thesis (written bachelor thesis) and colloquium.
210 credit points minimum must be achieved for passing the bachelor examination.
Departmental student advisor,
Examination board
Prof. Tobias Weber
Richard-Wagner-Str. 31, Building 8
18119 Rostock (Warnemünde)
Rom W: 8.228
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7310
eMail: tobias.weberuni-rostockde
Study Office & Examination Office
Mrs Björk-Pagel
A.-Einstein-Str. 26
Room 006
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7004
eMail: itti.iefuni-rostockde