Bachelor study course Computer Science
(Enrollment until winter term 2020/21)
Computer science is the science of automated, algorithmic information processing. During your studies, you acquire knowledge and skills for understanding, developing and analyzing such algorithmic, information processing systems. The study course includes all relevant parts of computer science, ranging from modern programming languages via database methods, networking and computer graphics to artificial intelligence, logic and predictability of mathematical principles.
The bachelor study course computer science starts in winter term. It lasts 7 terms and is structured into compulsory modules, compulsory optional modules and electives.
In the compulsory part, 24 modules with a total scope of 174 credit points must be studied. 15 credit points are allocated to the final examination here, which comprises of final thesis (written bachelor thesis) and a colloquium.
In the compulsory optional part, modules with a total scope of 30 credit points must be attended. Optionally, a practical training, a term abroad or a subsidiary subject must be taken here. Credit points must be acquired by attending modules from another study course outside computer science, information technology/technical computer science and business informatics in the subsidiary subject.
In the elective part, the study has a total scope of 6 credit points.
210 credit points minimum must be achieved for passing the bachelor examination.
Departmental student advisor, Examination board
Prof. Gero Mühl
Konrad Zuse Building
Room 268
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7630
eMail: gero.muehluni-rostockde
Study Office & Examination Office
Mrs Daubner
A.-Einstein-Str. 26
Room 005
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7005
eMail: in.iefuni-rostockde