Computer Science B.Sc. - Term 5 to 7
Either a practical training or a term abroad or a subsidiary subject must be implemented in term 5 or 6. The subsidiary subject has a total scope of 30 credit points from the module offers of the University of Rostock or other universities, except of computer science, information technology/computer engineering and business informatics.
The modules from the compulsory optional part are not graded but assessed with “passed” or “not passed”. Thus, they are not included into the final mark.
A possible practical training lasts 20 weeks.
In addition, the compulsory modules “Komplexe Softwaresysteme”, “Project Informatik”, “Vertiefung Informatik 1”, “Vertiefung Informatik 2”, “Vertiefung Praktische Informatik” and “Vertiefung Theoretische Informatik” must be studied in term 5 to 7. Different lectures for these modules are offered in every term. From these offers, one lecture per module must be chosen. For the modules “Vertiefung Informatik 1” and “Vertiefung Informatik 2”, one lecture must be chosen from the offers for “Vertiefung Theoretische Informatik” or “Vertiefung Praktische Informatik”.
Every lecture can be attended and reported in the module only one time.
In term 7, the modules „Informatik - Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft“, „Bachelorarbeit Informatik“ and the elective „Soft Skills“ must obligatorily be studied.
In the elective “Soft Skills” with a total scope of 6 credit points, the modules “Englisch Fachkommunikation”, “Mentoring Informatik” or other modules from the total lecture offer of the University of Rostock can be selected. The elective modules are not graded but assessed with “passed” or “not passed”. Thus, they are not included into the final mark.