Study and examination regulations, module manual
Study course specific examination and study regulations (SPSO B.Sc. IN dated 24th September 2012 in German) including annexes:
- Annex 1: Examination and study plans (in German)
- Annex 2: Module descriptions (in German)
- Annex 3: Diploma Supplement (German)
- Annex 4: Diploma Supplement (English)
First statutes for amending the study course specific examination and study regulations (SPSO B.Sc. IN dated 27th September 2016 in German)
Information of the study office
The student office draws the attention of all bachelor students to the fact that they in addition to the registration for the regular examinations have to register for all required re-examinations.
Work placement regulations
- Work placement regulations B.Sc. Computer Science and B.Sc. Business Informatics dated 6th August 2018 (in German)
- First statutes for amending the work placement regulations B.Sc. Computer Science and B.Sc. Business Informatics dated 10th of February 2021 (in German)
Departmental student advisor, Examination board
Prof. Gero Mühl
Konrad Zuse Building
Room 268
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7630
eMail: gero.muehluni-rostockde
Study Office & Examination Office
Mrs Daubner
A.-Einstein-Str. 26
Room 005
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7005
eMail: in.iefuni-rostockde