Double Degree

The University of Rostock and the National Research University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics Saint Petersburg (Russia) agreed upon a study program for awarding a so-called Double Degrees.

With a standard period of study of four terms, 120 credit points in total must be acquired. 4 modules with a total scope of 48 credit points must be studied in the compulsory field. 30 credit points are allocated to the final examination here that comprises of final thesis (written master thesis) and colloquium. In the compulsory optional field, modules from the compulsory optional catalogue 1 (economics) and 2 (computer science) with a scope of 6 credit points each must be attended.

This study program foresees for students from Rostock who started their studies in winter term to obligatory stay in Saint Petersburg in term 2 and 3.

Double Master’s Degree Cooperation Agreement (PDF)


Departmental student advisor, Examination board
Prof. Michael Fellmann
Konrad Zuse Building, Room 327
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7440
eMail: michael.fellmannuni-rostockde

Study Office & Examination Office
Mrs Daubner
A.-Einstein-Str. 26,
Room 005
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7005
eMail: win.iefuni-rostockde

Curriculum Double Degree with start in winter term