The studies comprise of modules, most of them lasting one term, and various teaching and training forms related to one subject (e.g. lectures, tutorials and project events). A standardized procedure of the bachelor study course includes 7 terms. Individual deviations are possible and common.
Term 1 to 4
Provision of knowledge and skills in the basic subjects practical, theoretical and technical computer science as well as mathematics.
These modules are attended by all students (compulsory modules).
Term 5 to 7
Opportunity to choose between practical training, subsidiary subject or term abroad (optional compulsory module).
Interest-related teaching of knowledge and skills:
- The students choose from the current offers of other compulsory modules in the subjects practical and theoretical computer science (at least one offer from every field).
- The students work project-oriented in groups. They choose from offers for two compulsory modules.
- The students choose from the offers for the optional compulsory module Soft Skills.
- The bachelor thesis (compulsory module) concludes the studies, on a topic the student can freely choose and agree upon with the supervisor and consultants.
Examination performance and graduation
- Most of the modules are completed with an examination. Different examination forms exist here (e.g. oral and written examination).
- The modules are usually marked.
- After successfully completing a module, the student gets credit points (ECTS). These shall display the workload related to the module.
- For completing the bachelor studies successfully, students have to achieve 210 credit points minimum.
Career prospects
- The B.Sc. Computer Science allows starting continuative master studies at the University of Rostock or other universities.
- The B.Sc. Computer Science is a first job-qualifying degree that offers excellent professional perspectives in many fields. Thus, the graduates assume highly qualified works in the fields software production or implementation or IT projects.
We recommend to continue with studying the Master of Science Computer Science.
A detailed description of the bachelor study course Computer Science (examination and study regulations included) are provided here.
Term start:
Every winter term
Duration of studies:
7 terms
Form of studies:
Full-time studies with integrated practical training, stay abroad or subsidiary subject;
part-time studies possible
Credit points:
210 ECTS
Bachelor of Science
Teaching language:
Study course flyer (German)

Departmental student advisor, Examination board
Prof. Gero Mühl
Konrad Zuse Building
Room 268
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7630
eMail: gero.muehluni-rostockde
Study Office & Examination Office
Mrs Daubner
A.-Einstein-Str. 26
Room 005
Phone: +49(0)381 - 498 7005
eMail: in.iefuni-rostockde