Best master thesis at the Institute of Computer Science
The association "Informatic Forum Rostock" (INFO.RO), residing at the Institute of Computer Science, supports junior computer scientists in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and practice-related research activities of computer science students. From 2012 on, the INFO.RO Advancement Prize has been awarded for the best master thesis elaborated at the Institute of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering once a year. The choice is made by a commission appointed by the association which evaluates the submitted proposals.
The Advancement Prize 2016 was awarded to Stefan Lüdtke for his master thesis „Sleep detection at persons suffering from dementia on the basis of acti-graphical sensor dates” in the master study course computer science. The thesis investigates algorithms which can be used for automated sleep detection on persons with dementia. Motion sensors attached to the body serve as data sources. The work includes the recording of data sets on healthy test persons, the development of a suitable statistic model and a comprehensive empirical evaluation of the model. Stefan Lüdtke’s work joins outstanding conceptional-theoretical considerations with an excellent and very extensive empirical investigation related to the interdisciplinary issue of significant social importance.