Mitglied im Technischen Programmkomitee von zwei Tracks der IEEE INDIN 2023

IEEE INDIN international conference will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the state-of-art and future perspectives of industrial information technologies. Industry experts, researchers and academics are gathering together to share ideas and experiences surrounding frontier technologies, breakthroughs, innovative solutions, research results, as well as initiatives related to industrial informatics and their applications.

TT06: Factory Communications, Control and Automation Systems

Track 06 covers various aspects of relevance for factory communication and automation systems, in response to the latest industrial and international standardization trends. Besides topics related to industrial communication, including the recently standardized Time Sensitive Networks (TSN), the track focus is on innovative system architectures bridging operational technology and information technology, assisted by model-driven development and domain-specific programming languages. An additional focus of the track is on suitable means of collecting and analyzing large data sets originating from the shop floor, as well as novel design approaches for next-generation control and automation systems.

TT09: Industrial Real-Time and Networked Embedded System, IoT Technologies

Real-time systems bring significant challenges and opportunities in embedded computing techniques to speed up industrial and commercial services. The emergence of Internet-of-Things (IoT) – a smart high-level concept of progressing the world through connecting and integrating all things into a huge network - has also been improving the communication efficiency for these services. A networked embedded computing has thus gradually been drawing developers’ attention to be widely applied in abundant applications. This track focuses on models, techniques, methods, analysis and applications that are related to real-time and embedded computing and IoT based networking and technologies.
