Fabian Kummer, Frank Golatowski, Willi Brekenfelder, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Gero Mühl
An Online Scheduler for Reconfigurable Time-Sensitive Networks
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2024), Padova, Italy, September 2024
Peter Danielis, Veera Vishnu Pavan Lanka, Willi Brekenfelder, Helge Parzyjegla, Frank Sill Torres
Autonomous Collaboration in Underwater Environments: Exploring Swarm Intelligence for Multi-AUV Systems
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2024), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2024, doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14214940
Carl Pommerencke, Willi Brekenfelder, Helge Parzyjegla and Peter Danielis
A Modular Architecture for Simulating Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in OMNeT++
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2024), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2024, doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14214820
Willi Brekenfelder, Tom Reincke, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Omer Hanif Khan, Gero Mühl
On the Reliability of Time-Sensitive Network Infrastructures
2024 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Avila, Spain, April, 2024, dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3605098.3636099
Peter Danielis, Willi Brekenfelder, Helge Parzyjegla, Pranavkumar Ghogari, Paul Stube, Frank Sill Torres
Integrated Path Planning and Collision Avoidance Algorithms for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Transactions on Maritime Science (ToMS), March 2023, doi.org/10.7225/toms.v13.n01.003
Alexander Jung, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis
Opportunistic Protocols for People Counting in Dynamic Networks
IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, USA, January 2024, doi.org/10.1109/CCNC51664.2024.10454785
Peter Danielis, Frank Golatowski, Helge Parzyjegla and Frank Sill Torres
Simulating Cooperative Operations of Swarms of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
EU-CONEXUS Research Conference, Rostock, Germany, November 2023, www.eu-conexus.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/v4.Book-of-Abstracts_Scientific-Committee_-EU-CONEXUS-Research-Conference.pdf
Soroush Rouhani, Sebastian Olias, Diego Piedra-Garcia, Carsten Hilgenfeld, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Gero Mühl
An Autonomous and Intelligent AIS Receiver Station
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2023), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2023, doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8405888
Paul Stube, Helge Parzyjegla, Willi Brekenfelder, Frank Sill Torres, Peter Danielis
Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2023), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2023, doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8406041
Pranavkumar Ghoghari, Willi Brekenfelder, Helge Parzyjegla, Frank Sill Torres, Peter Danielis
Path Planning Algorithms For Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2023), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2023, doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8406015
Eike Schweissguth, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Gero Muehl, Dirk Timmermann, Stefan Mehner, Oliver Hohlfeld, David Hellmanns, Jonathan Falk
TSN Scheduler Benchmarking
19th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2023), Pavia, Italy, April 2023, doi.org/10.1109/WFCS57264.2023.10144227
Christian Wernecke, Helge Parzyjegla, Gero Mühl, Peter Danielis, Eike Björn Schweißguth, Dirk Timmermann
Evaluating P4-based Virtual Delivery Trees for Content-based Publish/Subscribe
IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN'22), Chandler, AZ, USA, November 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/NFV-SDN56302.2022.9974746
Willi Brekenfelder, Peter Danielis, Gunnar Kulat, Mohammad Salouh, Finn Ole Stadtaus, Lara Tauch, Helge Parzyjegla
Mission Planning and Motion Models for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in OMNeT++
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2022), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2022, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7144020
Alexandra Plein, Peter Danielis, Helge Parzyjegla
Networking Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Automize Cooperative Missions
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2022), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2022, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7143554
M. Abuteir, S-O. Berkhahn, P. Danielis, H.J. Herpel, R. Kapfer, G. Mühl, H. Parzyjegla, A. Schweiger, S. Wagner, F. Warte
Time-Sensitive Network-Centric Data Handling System Architecture
Annual Data Systems in Aerospace (DASIA) Conference, virtual, May 2022
Michael Tatarski, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Gero Mühl
Fast Publish/Subscribe Using Linux eBPF
3. GI/ITG KuVS-Fachgespräch Network Softwarization, virtual, April 2022, http://dx.doi.org/10.15496/publikation-67449
P. Danielis, H. Parzyjegla, Y. Rashid, E. Schweissguth, G. Mühl, D. Timmermann
A Simulation Model for Investigating Clock Synchronization Issues in Time-Sensitive Networks
3. GI/ITG KuVS-Fachgespräch Network Softwarization, virtual, April 2022, http://dx.doi.org/10.15496/publikation-67445
Peter Danielis, Helge Parzyjegla, Mostafa Assem Mohamed Ali, Frank Sill Torres
Simulation Model for Energy Consumption and Acoustic Underwater Communication of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, October 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13437-021-00253-z
Peter Danielis, Helge Parzyjegla, Gero Mühl, Eike Schweissguth, Dirk Timmermann
Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliability in Time-Sensitive Networks
8th OMNeT++ Community Summit (OSC 2021), virtual, September 2021, https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13677
Peter Danielis, Mostafa Assem Mohamed Ali, Helge Parzyjegla
Modeling Underwater Communication for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in OMNeT++
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2021), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2021, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5603446
Helge Parzyjegla, Robert Hamann, Peter Danielis
An Energy Consumption Model for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in OMNeT++
European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2021), Bremerhaven, Germany, June 2021
Henning Puttnies, Peter Danielis, Ali R. Sharif, Dirk Timmermann
Estimators for Time Synchronization—Survey, Analysis, and Outlook
IoT 1, no. 2, November 2020, https://doi.org/10.3390/iot1020023
Christian Wernecke, Helge Parzyjegla, Gero Mühl, Peter Danielis, Eike Björn Schweißguth, Dirk Timmermann
Stitching Notification Distribution Trees for Content-based Publish/Subscribe with P4
IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), Madrid, Spain, November 2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/NFV-SDN50289.2020.9289916
Eike Schweissguth, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Gero Mühl, Dirk Timmermann
ILP-Based Routing and Scheduling of Multicast Realtime Traffic in Time-Sensitive Networks
IEEE Internation Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), South Korea, August 2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/RTCSA50079.2020.9203662
Peter Danielis, Moritz Beckmann, Jan Skodzik
An ISO-compliant Test Procedure for Technical Risk Analyses of IoT Systems based on STRIDE
IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC), Madrid, Spain, July 2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC48688.2020.0-203
Hannes Raddatz, Eman Mahmoud, Fabian Hoelzke, Frank Golatowski, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann
Evaluation and Extension of OPC UA Publish/Subscribe MQTT Binding
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), Tampere, Finland, June 2020, Juni 2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPS48405.2020.9274696
Fabian Hölzke, Mohammad Ghojal, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann, Frank Golatowski
Comparison of Ultra-Wideband Range Processing and Filtering for Indoor Localization
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), Tampere, Finland, June 2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPS48405.2020.9274547
Frank Golatowski, Hannes Raddatz, Fabian Hoelzke, Enkhtuvshin Janchivnyambuu, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann
An OPC UA-based Crane Model using Time-Sensitive Networking Technology
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), Tampere, Finland, June 2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPS48405.2020.9274709
Peter Danielis, Gunnar Karlsson
Survey of Mobile Opportunistic Networks for Parallel Data Dissemination and Processing
2. GI/ITG KuVS-Fachgespräch Fog Computing, Essen, Germany, March 2020, https://doi.org/10.34726/kuvs2020
Peter Danielis, György Dán, James Gross, André Berger
Dynamic Migration of Real-Time Traffic Flows in SDN-Enabled Networks
2. GI/ITG KuVS-Fachgespräch Network Softwarization, Tübingen, Germany, March 2020, http://dx.doi.org/10.15496/publikation-41787
Eike Schweissguth, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Gero Mühl, Dirk Timmermann
Realtime Publish/Subscribe for the Industrial Internet of Things
2. GI/ITG KuVS-Fachgespräch Network Softwarization, Tübingen, Germany, March 2020, http://dx.doi.org/10.15496/publikation-41786
Christoph Niemann, Christian Ewert, Henning Puttnies, Michael Rethfeldt, Dirk Timmermann, Peter Danielis
Modeling Energy Consumption for Task-Offloading Decisions on Mobile and Embedded Devices
2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2020), Kyoto, Japan, March 2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/LifeTech48969.2020.1570618809
Robert Vattig, Peter Danielis, Moritz Beckmann, Sergej Lassahn
Spielerisch Software absichern für Entwickler und Tester
German Testing Magazin, pp. 24-25, 2019, http://www.sigs.de/media/GTM-1-2019-Digital.pdf
Sylvia T. Kouyoumdjieva, Peter Danielis, Gunnar Karlsson
Survey of Non-Image Based Approaches for Counting People
In IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Volume 22, Issue 2, ISSN: 1553-877X, pp. 1305 - 1336, DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2019.2902824, March 2019
Henning Puttnies, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
PTP-LP: Using Linear Programming to Increase the Delay Robustness of IEEE 1588 PTP
In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2018), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December, 2018
Christian Wernecke, Helge Parzyjegla, Gero Mühl, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
Realizing Content-Based Publish/Subscribe with P4
In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), Verona, Italy, November 2018
Michael Rethfeldt, Benjamin Beichler, Peter Danielis, Tim Brockmann, Christian Haubelt, Dirk Timmermann:
CHaChA: Clustering Heuristic and Channel Assignment for IEEE 802.11s Mesh Networks
In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), Vancouver, Canada, November 2018
Michael Rethfeldt, Benjamin Beichler, Peter Danielis, Felix Uster, Christian Haubelt, Dirk Timmermann:
MeNTor: A Wireless-Mesh-Network-Aware Data Dissemination Overlay based on BitTorrent
Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 79, pp. 146-159, DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2018.06.013, ISSN: 1570-8705, Elsevier B. V., October 2018
Henning Puttnies, Peter Danielis, Leonard Thiele, Dirk Timmermann
jUDPWrapper: A Lightweight Approach to Access the OMNeT++/INET UDP Functionality from Java
In Proceedings of the OMNeT++ Community Summit 2018, Pisa, Italy, September 2018
Henning Puttnies, Peter Danielis, Enkhtuvshin Janchivnyambuu, Dirk Timmermann
A Simulation Model of IEEE 802.1AS gPTP for Clock Synchronization in OMNeT++
In Proceedings of the OMNeT++ Community Summit 2018, Pisa, Italy, September 2018
Michael Rethfeldt, Benjamin Beichler, Peter Danielis, Christian Haubelt, Dirk Timmermann:
Enabling the Management of IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks
17. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze (FGSN), Braunschweig, Germany, September 2018
Peter Danielis, Henning Puttnies, Eike Schweissguth, Dirk Timmermann:
Real-Time Capable Internet Technologies for Wired Communication in the Industrial IoT—a Survey
In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2018), pp. 266-273, ISBN: 978-1-5386-7107-8, Turino, Italy, September 2018
Sylvia T. Kouyoumdjieva, Peter Danielis, Gunnar Karlsson:
Non-Image Based Approaches for People Counting: Taxonomy, Requirements and Open Challenges
In Proceedings of the 14th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop (SNCNW 2018), pp. 9-12, Karlskrona, Sweden, May 2018
Fabian Hölzke, Peter Danielis, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
A Fusion Approach for the Localization of Humans in Factory Environments
In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS-2018), pp. 59-64, ISBN: 978-1-5386-6531-2, Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 2018
Michael Rethfeldt, Benjamin Beichler, Hannes Raddatz, Felix Uster, Peter Danielis, Christian Haubelt, Dirk Timmermann:
Mini-Mesh Practical Assessment of a Miniaturized IEEE 802.11n/s Mesh Testbed
In Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-5386-1734-2, Barcelona, Spain, April 2018
Peter Danielis, Sylvia T. Kouyoumdjieva, Gunnar Karlsson:
A Distributed Protocol for Crowd Counting in Urban Environments
In Proceedings of the KuVS-Fachgespräch Fog Computing, pp. 13-16, repositum.tuwien.ac.at/obvutwoa/content/titleinfo/2514843, Darmstadt, Germany, March 2018
Arne Wall, Hannes Raddatz, Michael Rethfeldt, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
Performance Evaluation of MAC-Layer Trust Zones over Virtual Network Interfaces
In Proceedings of the 4th Conference On Mobile And Secure Services (MobiSecServ), pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-5386-3253-6, Fourth Conference On Mobile And Secure Services, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, February 2018
Arne Wall, Hannes Raddatz, Michael Rethfeldt, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
ANTs: Application-Driven Network Trust Zones on MAC-Layer in Smart Buildings
In Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 1-2, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4790-5, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2018
Peter Danielis, György Dán, James Gross, André Berger:
Dynamic Flow Migration for Delay Constrained Traffic in Software-Defined Networks
In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2017, pp. 1-7, ISBN: 978-1-5090-5019-2, Singapore, December 2017
Eike Schweissguth, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann, Helge Parzyjegla, Gero Mühl:
ILP-based Joint Routing and Scheduling for Time-Triggered Networks
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), pp. 8-17, doi.org/10.1145/3139258.3139289, ISBN: 978-1-4503-5286-4, Grenoble, France, October 2017
Peter Danielis, Sylvia T. Kouyoumdjieva, Gunnar Karlsson:
UrbanCount: Mobile Crowd Counting in Urban Environments
In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), pp. 640-648, doi.org/10.1109/IEMCON.2017.8117189, ISBN: 978-1-5386-3371-7, Vancouver, Canada, October 2017 (Best Paper Award)
Henning Puttnies, Peter Danielis, Christian Koch, Dirk Timmermann:
Java Extensions for OMNeT++ 5.0
In Proceedings of the OMNeT++ Community Summit 2017, pp. 38-42, arxiv.org/abs/1709.02823, Bremen, Germany, September 2017
Benjamin Beichler, Michael Rethfeldt, Hannes Raddatz, Björn Konieczek, Peter Danielis, Christian Haubelt, Dirk Timmermann:
Optimization of a novel WLAN Simulation Framework for Prototyping Network Applications and Protocols
In Proceedings of the GI / ITG / GMM Workshop - Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV), pp. 15-26, Bremen, Germany, February 2017
Henning Puttnies, Dirk Timmermann, Peter Danielis:
An Approach for Precise, Scalable, and Platform Independent Clock Synchronization
In Proceedings of the 14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 461-466, DOI: 10.1109/CCNC.2017.7983152, ISBN: 978-1-5090-6196-9, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2017
Michael Rethfeldt, Hannes Raddatz, Benjamin Beichler, Björn Konieczek, Dirk Timmermann, Christian Haubelt, Peter Danielis:
ViPMesh: A Virtual Prototyping Framework for IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks
In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), pp. 1-7, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0724-0, New York, USA, October 2016
Henning Puttnies, Björn Konieczek, Jakob Heller, Dirk Timmermann, Peter Danielis:
Algorithmic Approach to Estimate Variant Software Latencies for Latency-Sensitive Networking
In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference(IEMCON), pp. 1-7, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0996-1, Vancouver, Canada, October 2016
Peter Danielis, Sylvia T. Kouyoumdjieva, Gunnar Karlsson:
DiVote: A Distributed Voting Protocol for Mobile Device-to-Device Communication
In Proceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress 28 (ITC), pp. 69-77, ISBN:978-0-9883045-1-2, Würzburg, Germany, September 2016
Björn Konieczek, Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Michael Rethfeldt, Dirk Timmermann:
HaRTKad: A P2P-based Concept for Deterministic Communication and Its Limitations
In Proceedings of the 21th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC'2016), pp. 1198-1203, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0679-3, Messina, Italy, June 2016
Peter Danielis, Sylvia T. Kouyoumdjieva, Gunnar Karlsson:
A Protocol for Distributed Voting in Urban Environments
In Proceedings of the 12th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop (SNCNW 2016), pp. 50-53, Sundsvall, Sweden, June 2016
Eike Björn Schweißguth, Peter Danielis, Christoph Niemann, Dirk Timmermann:
Application-Aware Industrial Ethernet Based on an SDN-Supported TDMA Approach
In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), pp.1-8, ISBN: 978-1-5090-2338-7, Aveiro, Portugal, May 2016
Michael Rethfeldt, Peter Danielis, Benjamin Beichler, Björn Konieczek, Felix Uster, Dirk Timmermann:
Evaluating Cross-Layer Cooperation of Congestion and Flow Control in IEEE 802.11s Networks
In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), pp. 181-188, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1858-1, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, March 2016
Michael Rethfeldt, Arne Wall, Peter Danielis, Björn Konieczek, Dirk Timmermann:
AKadeMesh: Software-Defined Overlay Adaptation for the Management of IEEE 802.11s Networks
In Proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 484-489, ISBN: 978-1-4673-9292-1, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2016
Michael Rethfeldt, Peter Danielis, Björn Konieczek, Felix Uster, Dirk Timmermann:
Integration of QoS Parameters From IEEE 802.11s WLAN Mesh Networks Into Logical P2P Overlays
In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC), pp. 1170-1177, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0153-8, Liverpool, England, October 2015
Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Jan Skodzik, Eike Bjoern Schweissguth, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
Emulation of SDN-Supported Automation Networks
In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), pp. 1-8, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7929-8/15, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 2015
Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Vlado Altmann, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
DuDE-Cloud: A Resilient High Performance Cloud
In Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE), pp. 28-34, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7929-8/15, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 2015
Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Jan Skodzik, Tim Wegner, Achim Koerner, Dirk Timmermann:
P-DONAS: A P2P-based Domain Name System in Access Networks
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 11:1-11:21,, New York, NY, USA, September 2015
Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Vlado Altmann, Benjamin Kappel, Dirk Timmermann:
Extensive Analysis of the Kad-based Distributed Computing System DuDE
In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'2015), pp. 128-133, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7194-0, Larnaka, Cyprus, Juli 2015
Michael Rethfeldt, Peter Danielis, Guido Moritz, Björn Konieczek, Dirk Timmermann:
Design and Development of a Management Solution for Wireless Mesh Networks based on IEEE 802.11s
14th IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM 2015), pp. 902-905, ISBN: 978-3-901882-76-0, Ottawa, Canada, Mai 2015
Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Eike Björn Schweißguth, Dirk Timmermann:
PSP-Auto: An DHT-based Storage and Retrieve System for Automation Scenarios
9th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (IEEE SysCon), pp. 853-858, ISBN: 978-1-4799-5927-3, Vancouver, Canada, April 2015
Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Björn Konieczek, Eike Björn Schweißguth, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
CoHaRT: Deterministic Transmission of Large Data Amounts using CoAP and Kad
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology 2015 (IEEE ICIT), pp. 1851-1856, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7799-4, Sevilla, Spain, März 2015
Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Vlado Altmann, Lennard Lender, Dirk Timmermann:
Dynamic Search Tolerance at Runtime for Lookup Determinism in the DHT-based P2P Network Kad
IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 357-362, ISBN: 978-1-4799-6389-8, Las Vegas, USA, January 2015
Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Vlado Altmann, Eike Björn Schweissguth, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann, Jörg Schacht:
Survey on Real-Time Communication Via Ethernet in Industrial Automation Environments
19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2014), pp. 1-8, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4846-8, Barcelona, Spain, September 2014
Jan Skodzik, Vlado Altmann, Peter Danielis, Moritz Koal, Dirk Timmermann:
An Optimized WS-Eventing for Large-Scale Networks
8th International Workshop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE), pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4846-8, Barcelona, Spain, September 2014
Vlado Altmann, Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Johannes Müller, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
A DHT-based Scalable Approach for Device and Service Discovery
12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC14), pp. 97-103, ISBN: 978-0-7695-5249-1, Milano, Italy, August 2014
Vlado Altmann, Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
Real-Time Capable Hardware-based Parser for Efficient XML Interchange
9th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP14), pp. 415-420, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2581-0, Manchester, England, July 2014
Jan Skodzik, Vlado Altmann, Peter Danielis, Arne Wall, Dirk Timmermann:
A Kad Prototype for Time Synchronization in Real-Time Automation Scenarios
World Telecommunications Congress 2014, pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3602-7, Berlin, Germany, June 2014
Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Dirk Timmermann:
HaRTKad: A Hard Real-Time Kademlia Approach
11th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 309-314, DOI:10.1109/CCNC.2014.6866588 , ISBN: 978-1-4799-2356-4, Las Vegas, USA, January 2014
Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Dirk Timmermann:
Extensive Analysis of a Kad-based Distributed Storage System for Session Data
18th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), pp. 489-494, DOI: 10.1109/ISCC.2013.6754994 , ISBN: 978-1-4799-3755-4, Split, Croatia, July 2013
Vlado Altmann, Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
Optimization of Ad Hoc Device and Service Discovery in Large Scale Networks
18th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), pp. 833-838, Split, Croatia, July 2013
Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Dirk Timmermann:
Time Synchronization in the DHT-based P2P Network Kad for Real-Time Automation Scenarios
2nd IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on the Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services (IoT-SoS) 2013, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2013.6583490, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5827-9, Madrid, Spain, June 2013
Jan Skodzik, Vlado Altmann, Benjamin Wagner, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
A Highly Integrable FPGA-Based Runtime-Configurable Multilayer Perceptron
27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2013), pp. 429-436, ISSN:1550-445X, DOI: 10.1109/AINA.2013.19, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5550-6, Barcelona, Spain, March 2013
Vlado Altmann, Jens Rohrbeck, Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann, Maik Rönnau, Matthias Ninnemann:
SWIFT: A Secure Web Domain Filter in Hardware
The 7th International Symposium on Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environment (SMPE-2013), pp. 678-683, DOI: 10.1109/WAINA.2013.15, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6239-9, Barcelona, Spain, March 2013
Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Jens Rohrbeck, Vlado Altmann, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Danielis Duchow:
Using Proximity Information between BitTorrent Peers: An Extensive Study of Effects on Internet Traffic Distribution
International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, Vol. 4, Nr. 3&4, pp. 212-221, ISSN:1942-261x, Wilmington, DE, USA, December 2011
Jens Rohrbeck, Vlado Altmann, Stefan Pfeiffer, Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Dirk Timmermann, Matthias Ninnemann, Maik Rönnau:
The Secure Access Node Project: A Hardware-Based Large-Scale Security Solution for Access Networks
International Journal On Advances in Security, Vol. 4, Nr. 3&4, pp. 234-244, ISSN:1942-2636, Wilmington, DE, USA, December 2011
Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Jens Rohrbeck, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
DuDE: A Distributed Computing System using a Decentralized P2P Environment
36th IEEE LCN, 4th International Workshop on Architectures, Services and Applications for the Next Generation Internet, pp. 1048-1055, ISSN: 0742-1303: DOI: 10.1109/LCN.2011.6115162 , ISBN: 978-1-61284-926-3, Bonn, Germany, October 2011
Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Vlado Altmann, Jens Rohrbeck, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
DuDE: A Prototype for a P2P-based Distributed Computing System
36th IEEE LCN, 4th International Workshop on Architectures, Services and Applications for the Next Generation Internet, Bonn, Germany, October 2011
Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls:
Impacts of Improved Peer Selection on Internet Traffic in BitTorrent Networks
International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP), pp. 8-13, ISBN: 978-1-61208-004-8, St. Maarten, The Netherlands Antilles, March 2011
Andreas Tockhorn, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
A Configurable FPGA-Based Traffic Generator for High-Performance Tests of Packet Processing Systems
6th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection, ICIMP 2011, pp. 14-19, ISBN: 978-1-61208-004-8, St. Maarten, The Netherlands Antilles, March 2011
Peter Danielis, Maik Gotzmann, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
A Peer-To-Peer-based Storage Platform for Storing Session Data in Internet Access Networks
World Telecommunications Congress (WTC 2010), pp. 5-10, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3303-3, Vienna, Austria, September 2010
Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
Use of Peer-To-Peer Technology in Internet Access Networks and its Impacts
IPDPS 2010 PhD Forum, pp. 1-3, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6533-0, Atlanta, USA, April 2010
Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Carsten Lorenz, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
P-DONAS: A Prototype for a P2P-based Domain Name System in Access Networks
DATE University Booth, Dresden, Germany, March 2010
Peter Danielis, Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Jens Rohrbeck, Vladyslav Altmann, Jan Skodzik, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
Trust-by-Wire in Packet-Switched IPv6 Networks: Tools and FPGA Prototype for the IPclip System
6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, pp. 1-2, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2309-5, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January 2009
Harald Widiger, Stephan Kubisch, Peter Danielis, Jens Schulz, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
IPclip: An Architecture to restore Trust-by-Wire in Packet-switched Networks
33rd Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), pp. 312-319, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2413-9, Montreal, Canada, October 2008
Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Peter Danielis, Jens Schulz, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
Trust-by-Wire in Packet-switched IP Networks: Calling Line Identification Presentation for IP
1st ITU-T Kaleidoscope Conference: Innovations in Next Generation Networks - Future Network and Services, S. 375-382, ISBN: 92-61-12441-0, Genf, Schweiz, Mai 2008
Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Peter Danielis, Jens Schulz, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
Countering Phishing Threats with Trust-by-Wire in Packet-switched IP Networks - A Conceptual Framework
22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 4th International Workshop on Security in Systems and Networks (SSN 2008), S. 1-8, , ISBN: 978-1-4244-1694-3, Miami, USA, April 2008
Peter Danielis, Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Jens Schulz, Daniel Duchow, Thomas Bahls, Dirk Timmermann:
A Conceptual Framework for Increasing Physical Proximity in Unstructured Peer-To-Peer Networks (Student Paper & Poster)
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2008, pp. 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1843-5, Princeton, USA, April 2008
Jakob Salzmann, Jens Schulz, Ralf Behnke, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
Entwicklung des Computers
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Rostock, Germany, April 2008
Jakob Salzmann, Jens Schulz, Ralf Behnke, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
Entwicklung des Internets
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Rostock, Germany, April 2008
Peter Danielis, Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Jens Schulz, Daniel Duchow, Thomas Bahls, Dirk Timmermann, Christian Lange:
Trust-by-Wire in Packet-switched IP Networks: Calling Line Identification Presentation for IP (Hardware Prototype Demonstration)
Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE 2008), University Booth, Munich, Germany, March 2008
Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Peter Danielis, Jens Schulz, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
Complementing E-Mails with Distinct, Geographic Location Information in Packet-switched IP Network
MIT 2008 Spam Conference, www.spamconference.com, pp. 1-25, Cambridge, USA, March 2008
Peter Danielis, Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Jens Schulz, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
IPclip - An Innovative Mechanism to Reestablish Trust-by-Wire in Packet-switched IP Networks
3. Essener Workshop ''Neue Herausforderungen in der Netzsicherheit (Prospective Challenges in Network Security)'', pp. 1-2 , Essen, Germany, March 2008
Peter Danielis, Stephan Kubisch, Dirk Timmermann:
Realisierung und Implementierung eines Algorithmus zur Echtzeit-Mustererkennung in einem Ethernet-Datenstrom
12. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, S. 191 - 196, Rostock, Germany, October 2007
Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Peter Danielis, Daniel Duchow, Thomas Bahls, Dirk Timmermann, Christian Lange, Oliver Röwer:
Configuration Tool and FPGA-Prototype of a Hardware Packet Processing System
Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE 2007), University Booth, Nice, France, April 2007
Jakob Salzmann, Ralf Behnke, Jens Schulz, Peter Danielis, Dominik Lieckfeldt, Claas Cornelius, Jiaxi You, Dirk Timmermann:
Mobile Generation: Unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten, unbegrenztes Risiko?
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Rostock, Germany, April 2007