History of Computer Science in Rostock from 1964 to 1989

1964 Foundation of the computer center under the management of Immo O. Kerner
1969 Scientists of the computer center change for the section of mathematics and form the science sector Cybernetics and Computation Operation.
1976 Science sector Cybernetics and Computation Operation is turned into the science sector Computer Science.
1978 Science sector Computer Science of mathematics section is taken over by the computer center.
1984 1st January: Foundation of the section Information Processing
Director: Prof. Dr. sc. nat. K.-H. Kutschke
Four sectors are established:
Science sector Digital Graphic and Programming Languages
Dr. rer. nat. A. Kotzauer
Science sector Databases and Information Systems
Doz. Dr. sc. nat. H.-D. Gerhardt
Science sector Computer Communication
Doz. Dr. sc. oec. B. Bode
Sector Computation Operation
Dipl.-Ing. E. Beyer

2nd January: Festive foundation event

Between 1984 and 1986, 30 students in total change from Dresden to Rostock after their basic studies to finalize their studies here.
1985 Visit of Prof. Dr. Konrad Zuse at the section Information Processing and presentation in the context of the section's colloquium in April

1st December: Renaming of the section Information Processing into section of Computer Science
Four research tasks are identified:
Digital graphics and dialogue systems
Compiler compiler
Computer-based dialogue systems
Intelligent terminal

Commissioning of a laboratory for student education in winter term